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Wednesday 31 August 2011

Moving on to books g h and i‏ ......

Book G  

Gods Smuggler by Brother Andrew

I read this book when I was about 14 so when I saw this book in junk shop I bought it.

it has been bought up to date.

This is a true story about a young dutch boy in 2nd world war who decided to smuggle Bibles into USSR. He got  thousands through in lots of ways. Started with one or two then 10 at a time then 100 ..... risking his life for years ...... 35 years on, his ministry is still on going. He now smuggles into Muslim countries, gods work still being done, very uplifting book

Brother Andrew still work sand helps people not only with bibles but with life.

Book H

Have a little Faith

This is my first Mitch Albom book during this A-Z read-a-thon !! With more 2 follow.

This book is 1st class like all of Mitch's books . It's a true story about Mitch's Rabbi who wished Mitch to do his eulogy and a black Pastor near to where Mitch lives.

Two men with so many different things about their lives but so much in common.

Both help others.. both worry about their faith... both men have a good friend in Mitch

In this book the Rabbi and Pastor have passed away but they did so much in their life time. very tender moving and loving book. Mitch still helps at the Church with NO roof.... proving help comes in so many different forms

Please read this one book by mitch if nothing else

But then again wait for books with the letters I and T..........

On to I

The Immortal life of HENRIETTA LACKS

OH my GOD.

I bought book thinking it was a novel. This book has changed my outlook on many things. A poor black woman in USA died of Cervix Carcinoma in 1951.. before I was born.. this woman has saved millions and millions of lives through her cells and the scientific knowledge they created.

Her cells where taken to look at when she died but they noticed they still lived out side her body !! the cells are known as HELA (google it your world will open up)

Her cells have helped develop polio vaccinations given to millions of children ...they have been in space to see how cells react to zero gravity ....helped find DNA .... helped with Parkinson disease, M.S, Diabetes, Organ Donations and Transplants .... Cells were taken from other people but they died.

Henrietta's family have fought for her to be recognised but she has not technically, and to date she never has. Her family have never been given a cent even though it is a billions and billions of dollars industry.. they do not wish any .

I have learnt that hero's come in all shapes, religions and even cells.. We women have a lot to thank Henrietta for ..more women would be dying with cancers and other diseases if not for her ....I have hero's in my life now I have 1 more ...Thank you Rebecca Skloot for her book of knowledge and to her for helping Henrietta's family with the legacy of education from the sales of this book.

Henrietta live on in cells still helping doctors to rid the world of POLIO, PARKINSON'S, LUPUS, MS, ALL CANCERS. AIDS AND THE COMMON COLD.

If like me you love to educate yourself read it .. although it has some bits of science it also tells us who HELA was and still is, a woman and a true hero !!

1 comment:

  1. I read this one shortly after it came out. I reviewed it on Goodreads

    I see on your followers list we have a lot of 'scrappy' friends in common!
    Kim @ Time 2 Read
